the party´s over, kids
1.we dressed up and shot champaigne corks off the terace to bob and float in the
swimming pool below. the dogs barked as bubbles fizzed into glasses and faces got red. then we were all in button down shirts and i was drunk and taking pictures
of everything that looked slightly picturable. food came out on steaming platters
and dinning room cutlery clashed and clanged off of silver-stamped plates.
3.a man in a cowboy hat brought a guitar and a ponytail along with a girl and
a flute to sing french lullibys that made my little cousins dance themselves
to sleep. the bottles of wine piled up and by the time the main corse was
infront of us my dad was exploding at my grandfather with the story of his affair-
aparently he had tried to leave my grandma for a TWA flight atendednt, but
came back when her plane crashed above tibet. this was news to all of us.
we were all really drunk. my grandma cried- happy aniversary.
4.they all fought and yelled and smashed the plates, so i went outside to
smoke a cigerette and watch the searchlights cast a golden autum hue on the night
sky. i whistled and clapped and stumbled around untill i somehow, without
speaking a word of french, ended up fucking the fluteist in the shower and
making her scream so loud the hotel manager came to check on me. 2 am my brother and I toasted to automatic weapons and big breasted women,
then he tore the chandaleer out of the ceiling with his belt.
all of a sudden i don´t want to go home.
p.s. one of my old girlfriends once told me i remind her of holden caufield.
i never understood what the fuck she meant.