Jan 23, 2004 13:24
Today we had a pep rally at my school. HEHE it was pretty fun...specially cuz i had a PERFECT view of Larry...hehehe. Well the WHOLE school basically hates the cheerleaders cuz they are so unentusiastic(sp). Well they did there little dance thing..and when they were holding them up in the air Brennan and Amanda kept yelling "DROP DROP DROP" and ya know what happened? They dropped her...and didnt even make an effort to catch her. ROFL...even Larry lauged. He has no school spirit when we were standing up and yelling " zero seven!" at the other classes he just sat down..it was funny. The color gaurd also performed...HAHA it was GREAT! It was so amusing to watch. The Middle school was better...it was like some kind of weird interpritave(sp) dance. Twas very fun. So when the rally got over i followed Larry down the gym hallway with Tanya Amanda and Brennan then he stopped..so we just went to the English room. Well it ends up that i decide to go with Erin to her locker. I call her my best friend cuz his locker is the one below hers..LOL. So we get there and he is there and she keeps yelling at him to move and i say "yeah move..hurry up" it was lame BUT o well.
In math i did Igloo spying for Brennan...i always get a kick out of her reactions to what happened. Today she drew a picture of him and his friend "in love" on the board and her, amanda and him got into a chalk fight..twas great.
i am still pretty sad about my doggie. He isnt walking very well...my dad said he was even sad. Well..i guess thats life...and like all the teachers, parents, and other adults say..life isnt fair.