Dec 19, 2004 16:45
Out on break!, Im def over school n most importantly midterms..
Things im lookin foward to
Xmas Shopping
Gettin my nails done
Seeing Zacs new sexy orange hair?
Sleepin all f*cking day
Driving around aimlessly until nitefall
Things im not looking foward to
Gettin a job =( "kill urself" by jack n karen?
Friday we celebrated Ashley K's b-day, it totally kicked ur ass. Tommorrow she leaves for Montannnaa. She wont be back till the 2nd *Sniffle*
Random Comment: Yesterday i went to publix to get a sub "mm mm mm" and i ran into mr covone. It was awkward. I needa get outta Silver Lakes
I tried changing the layout of this journal bc Zac just Stoled-ed it. It ended up looking like i changed it back. Im bored so i guess ill go out while "Ashley rides around with Craig" >=( enuf said..