Oct 15, 2005 17:58
Why is it that everyone finds that it's necessary to tell me what I should do with my life, mainly my job. Everyone and their fucking mother seems to think that they need to tell me "you should become full time, you should become full time". News flash: I HATE MY JOB AND I DON'T WANT TO WORK THERE FULL TIME!!! I hate not being able to have a life but four days out of the week. I hate not being able to see Erin except on my days off. And next week, when I switch back to nights, I'll barely be able to talk to her b/c she opens at BK now. But everyone's telling me that I should sign my soul over to Alcoa and make it my job for the next 40 years of my life. I'm sure that probably half the people that work there said "it's only temporary" and they're still working there years later. And my mom, the biggest instigator in this whole mess keeps telling me "well, that's life." I'm only 20 fucking years old, why the fuck should I have to settle into a job that I don't like and may have to keep for the rest of my working career. When I'm planing on getting married and having a family and buying a house, then I can worry about a career. But I'm young and I don't have to fucking work at a job that I absolutely hate for the rest of my life. If I stay at Alcoa, I won't have time to go to school, which I still plan on doing, despite people's opinions which I didn't fucking ask for. I can't fucking wait until I get out of this house and into my own place. I'm shooting for trying to be out of here by Thanksgiving, and I'm praying that it all works out, b/c I can't fucking take being treated like a fucking child who doesn't know his asshole from a hole in the ground. No one thinks that I can be responsible b/c no one will give me the opportunity to be. I believe that I am more than capable of surviving on my own, handling my own bills, etc. And it's not like I'm gonna be totally on my own, Erin's gonna be living with me. We both have good paying jobs, so we'll be fine. And she's looking at another job that will pay even more and I'm not stupid enough to leave my job without something else better lined up. Oh well, I'm all ranted out. Just had to get all that shit off my chest so I could feel a little better. I'm out. Late.