Fuck being sick

Aug 25, 2005 15:14

Hola. It's been longer than usual but I haven't had a lot of time to do this recently but I've finally managed to fit it in. As the title suggests, I currently sick and it sucks horribly. I've simultaneously come down with a sinus infection and walking pneumonia, so the last week has been pretty wonderful. I have about seven different medicines that I have to take throughout the day, and it's getting pretty tedious. Also, since the last time I've updated, I've gotten a "wonderful" job at Alcoa north. If there's a hell, Alcoa is it. Working for 12 hours doing the same thing over and over and over and over is absolutely horrible. And you only get to have the same schedule for a month before you have to switch back to nights/days. The only good thing is the whole "four on, four off" deal, but four 12 hours days still really sucks. I smoke more cigarettes and drink more coffee on those four on than I probably do on my four off. The only reason I'm sticking with it is b/c I haven't been able to find anything else yet. I had an interview at Walgreens and I'm hoping that I get that job. The schedule is a little different than most places, whereas you work a week of 10 hour days, then have a week off but you have to come in one day during your week off to get your 80 hours. I would much rather have that job, although it's less money than Alcoa, it's only 10 hours and it's from 10 pm to 8 am, which is just the time frame I've been looking for. And I need something to do to keep me busy since everyone just left to go back to college. I'm gonna miss hanging out in my basement with Kyle and Tom, smoking it up and going through my old shit down there. Too bad those pussies never got the opportunity to get schooled in tennis again. Well, that's all that I have to update on so I'm out, plus I got a couple of rounds of medicine to take, so lata hatas.
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