Oct 10, 2005 14:57
Oh dear, kant really had nothing better to do in his life other than thiking 24hours a day?! I hate him, hate what we thought and i couldn't care less about how my mind gets to know! I can't believe i really must study 30 pages of that damned phylosopher.
Ok, that was quite a violent beginning XD It's just that i'm pretty scared about the test which will be in two days and i know it seems a lot of time, but it really isn't so, believe me... I also don't know what to write at the moment 'cause 'PANIC' is written in red capital letters in my mind and that's all i see now...
I think i'll probably write something later, maybe when i can remember my name or simple things like that.
By the way, i love Japan and Japanese and god knows i'm gonna learn that language one day!!!
Kisses to everybody *CHU CHU*