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babysquid June 17 2014, 14:40:10 UTC

i have nothing useful to add to this discussion as i have a deep seated hatred of Tumblr- someone, a few years ago, stole a photo of me with someone and used it to post their "post secret". took several days to get it taken down because Tumblr doesn't require or provide easy access to site maintainers. had to go through Tumblr proper and prove that i am me. yuck.

but... i think you should come play at NerdLush.com ;)


_sharvie_ June 17 2014, 20:23:59 UTC
Pretty much if we're hating on tumblr right now...that totally added to the discussion. I remember you telling me that and YIKES!!

Are you still active in the BtVS fandom? I saw nekid Spike and darker Spike are still going and wow, that's awesome!!

Will totally check out nerdlush, what a great name! :)


babysquid June 18 2014, 01:22:02 UTC
not active... though i do occasionally read fics. i'm more in the Arrow fandom right now; though that isn't right, either. i don't think i qualify as active in ANY fandom. i think i just quietly watch from the sidelines these days. haha. but yeah, it's great to see BtVS still so active (and not evil scary like the SPN fandom)

i cannot take credit for the name. LOL. i asked Facebook, and friends named it. i just run it and post and play. :)


_sharvie_ June 18 2014, 15:34:11 UTC
Has there been a lot of disruption over the whole Russia thing? Especially with this new Blogging Law going into effect in a few months?

Some people in the PR fandom over at Tumblr have concerns and I can't say I blame them. Can you either ease my mind or tell me to run to Dreamwidth?

It seems like the Spike fandom has just rolled with the punches.


babysquid June 18 2014, 17:15:36 UTC
and this is how out of date i am... which Russia thing? i've spent way too much time over the last few months working, finishing dissertation, and more recently packing my place to move for internship...

i am refusing to move to DW but only because i barely post here anymore... i don't see the point in taking on ANOTHER social media site when i already have my site, FB, twitter, and am trying to be better with G+


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