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idiosyncratic June 17 2014, 01:29:15 UTC
I think the big difference with communities between Tumblr and LJ is that LJ is a controlled environment and Tumblr isn't.

On Tumblr, even if it's a community blog, people can still see it, reblog it, add their hate on reblogs, etc. The only difference between it and a solo blog is that on a community one, each 'member' of the community can post to that blog.

On LJ, the comms have mods, but every member can post at any time (as long as it's not a moderated comm) and then others can come in and comment on that post and spawn discussions. It's a lot simpler and cleaner than Tumblr in that you have the original post and all the comments in ONE place. Not scattered all over the infrastructure like with Tumblr.

And yes, on LJ, mods/maintainers absolutely can remove members, posts, and comments (as well as freezing comments threads) if the rules are broken. You can also remove posting privileges for individual members if they break the comm rules. The really good thing about LJ is that you can absolutely ban all the hatred from the comm with just a few clicks. So it's actually a much 'safer' and friendlier platform than Tumblr in that aspect.

As far going across platforms, no, it won't help on the Tumblr side. The hate will still be there. But a community here would provide a haven where everyone could discuss Chuck as they wanted without having to worry about seeing a bunch of hateful and angry reblogs or comments on their post. Of course, it could help in the sense that providing that safe haven would possibly enable the Tumblr users to handle the crap over there a little better, because they'd know they had something here. If that makes sense.


_sharvie_ June 17 2014, 01:45:31 UTC
Yes, that totally makes sense! Thank you.

You really helped claify what I wasn't understanding about Tumblr communities. There really is no "safe" place there at all then. Hmmm.

Why in the world did fandom make this jump to Tumblr? I was away from fandom for a few years (RL crap) and I come back and it's all over there and I'm just like, "Buh! What happened?!" At first it's fine but I can see how some people who have been there from the start are just so over it.

I think at this point then, my main concern is if there would be any interest. If everyone is over at Tumblr and on their dashes, would they want to take the time to come over here to a comm to see some of the same posts and discussions simply because it was in a better format? There would have to be some kind of unique material to be a catalyst for discussion and to create a sense of community.


idiosyncratic June 17 2014, 01:52:59 UTC
Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd be more tempted to keep Chuck 'discussion' posts here and go back to reblogging pretty pictures and other fandoms there. I mean, you can still put artwork, pictures, fan fic, etc, in LJ posts, you just can't reblog anything.

And another upside for me, is that a Chuck-centric comm here would enable me to come in and, say, discuss a really awesome Chaleigh idea I had, or meta about the Hansens, etc, without worrying that the Chuck haters would get hold of it and shred it like they're fond of doing.


_sharvie_ June 17 2014, 02:09:26 UTC
Yeah, it's really crazy that some people would be like, "Neato headcanon, let me poop all over it." But that's so true! I guess you could say Tumblr is like the Wild West and everyone has a sixshooter.

I get a sense that Chuck fans are interested in a comm off Tumblr. I don't know any other platform that most of us are on other than LJ, so it seems like it should be here. Haven't seen much mention of dreamwidth.

I think it's reaching a boiling point on tumblr where we've already lost some great people who contributed wonderfully and others are just getting tired of the surprising amount of hate and are looking for alternatives.


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