Need help selling a textbook

Sep 09, 2009 00:09

Post divorce (paperwork pending) and having my career stall, though still be very fulfilling, I decided to go back to school. I signed up for two classes that will help give me a leg up at work. Not having been to school in over a decade, I'm still a little wobbly getting started. I thought it'd be a great idea to buy my textbooks early ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

ash48 September 9 2009, 08:02:54 UTC
Um... I bought some old text books (a while back now though) on ebay. I just typed in the book I was looking for and there it was. Did you look into ebay? I mean everyone who sells stuff there has to start somewhere - as in before they get any feedback etc.

I've never listed anything there, but I think my hubby has so if you are still having trouble let me know and I can get some further info about how to go about it.

Shame it turned out that way - *fingers crossed* you're able to sell it.


_sharvie_ September 10 2009, 04:45:59 UTC
If I keep the price down, I'm almost positive I can sell, my only worry is not having a built up profile and the other stuff I mentioned in the other post.


executed_blonde September 9 2009, 09:55:59 UTC
You have better chances of making some money back on ebay or amazon. I've never sold a textbook on amazon before, but a friend of mine sold all of hers from last semester recently and made some decent money. Selling textbooks on ebay is about like selling anything else. While feedback helps, everyone has to start somewhere. I suggest ebay and offer free shipping. That will encourage bidders to spend more on the book.

I hope things get better for you, dear. Sounds like you've had a hard time of it for a while. Going to school is a good option.


_sharvie_ September 10 2009, 04:44:29 UTC
Going back to school looks like it's exactly what I've needed. The classes are going to be hard but interesting and one teacher is even a hotty. Usually dating the teacher would be bad, but this time around I think he's my age. *lol*

And yeah, everyone is pointing me to the ebay sites, I'm just nervous about getting things set up. They want to attach to my checking account and that makes me nervous.


executed_blonde September 10 2009, 13:41:05 UTC
Understandable. The only reason they want to link to your checking account is so that the money you make on ebay can be put directly into your account. It's pretty handy. :) The thing I really like about paypal is that they leave a paper trail for everything they do concerning your account.


ash48 September 9 2009, 11:44:09 UTC again! :) If you go the ebay way, hubby's recommendation is make sure you have a reserve it won't get sold for $6.50. And factor in the percentage you have to pay ebay.... that's what he says anyway.

Good luck hun.



_sharvie_ September 10 2009, 04:42:21 UTC
I'm thinking of using, it's an ebay site but you list the price instead of auctioning. My only worry is having the site connected to my checking account. Can you ask your hubby how they pay him on ebay? If half is from the same site, maybe it's the same? How does he feel about having it connected to the checking account, if it does?


ash48 September 10 2009, 07:47:28 UTC
Looks like you've got some good advice in comments below. sounds good. Apparently you can just sell on ebay, without doing an auction also.

Not sure about the link to checking account - we do everything through PayPal and stu's just mentioned Google Checkout as another payment set up. But maybe those systems also need a link a checking account. Not sure?

All the best with it hun.


_sharvie_ September 10 2009, 07:56:20 UTC
I got up the nerve and finally posted it. I'm really hopeful cause it's 10 bucks cheaper than anything on-line right now. I have a few friends who have been selling stuff on half for awhile and they said they haven't had any problems so here's hoping. *crosses fingers*

Tomorrow!! Can you believe it's here already?! Can't wait!


sparrow2000 September 9 2009, 15:11:25 UTC
I don't have any advice on the text books,hon. But I'm sorry to hear about the divorce. I knew it had been difficult for a bit, but hadn't realised that it had got to that stage.

Text books aside, it sounds like going back to school is a good idea, it will give you something else to concentrate on and if it's beneficial for work then that's terrific.

I hope everything goes well for you, love. Keeping my fingers crossed

much love
s xx


_sharvie_ September 10 2009, 04:39:37 UTC
Now that I'm on my own again, things are so much better. What really spun my head was he didn't make it 6 months before he got a new girlfriend living with him in my house! The one with my name on the mortgage!!!

Seriously. 10 years and he's moved on within 6 months. What a fucking douchbag. Just the thought of all the time I spent trying to make the marriage work kills me. 6 MONTHS! *deep breath*

Oh yeah, so much better without him.


babysquid September 9 2009, 17:18:07 UTC
you can sell via Amazon really easily and they don't charge you anything til it sells (not even much then!). i've been selling texty type books there since i midway through my masters... didn't have any feedback on my sellers acct when i started and i sold stuff pretty quick cuz i was competetive with my price and honest about the quality. a lot of the used buyers would rather buy from a person than a store as the quality of service is better. i could put it up for ya and when it sells send you the info on who to mail it to. if you want. but if you've got stuff you're finding you may want to get rid of too... just start your own seller acct there. :)


_sharvie_ September 10 2009, 04:34:20 UTC
I'm thinking of selling it on but I'm really leery of having the site connected to my checking account. How does Amazon pay you when stuff sells? Is that a standard practice?


babysquid September 10 2009, 07:23:13 UTC
i think it is standard... though, i think there is a way at amazon to set it up as credit in your amazon acct. i have a second checking acct that mine is attached to. in over a year, i've never had any probs. but i'm an awesome seller ;)


_sharvie_ September 10 2009, 07:57:45 UTC
Thanks for the help! *smooch*


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