Vid Rec: Violence and Sex

Apr 02, 2009 19:01

So I haven't done one of these in a long time but this vid just needs to be recced!

Violence & Sex by ash48This is a pre-Wincest AU vid set to "When Doves Cry". No, seriously! I'm not kidding. And it's freaking phenomenal! This could have been a train wreck, but she worked her butt off on this! You get the angst, the violence, the sex, the emotions!! ( Read more... )

vidding meta

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Comments 1

ash48 April 3 2009, 07:52:19 UTC
Wow. Thanks darlin'. I'm not sure what I've done to deserve you.

Hee! I really never thought I would ever work with porn footage. :) The clips you chose were perfect BTW. It's hard (I'm sure) finding bodies that could pass for the boys.

Man, you worked so hard on this too. It would never, never have happened without your amazing notes and support.

*smishes* you. It was a very collaborative vid. :D


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