The Beaumont Experience Video

Mar 03, 2008 04:18

This will probably go down in history as one of the best Town Hall videos of Barack ever!!
The Beaumont Experience Video

In a Beaumont, TX town hall meeting...these are the boring Q&A style events, an older gentleman forcefully and almost angrily asks Barack how, despite having the audience "in the palm of your hand" he, as a freshman senator, is qualified to bring about the changes he speaks about so often about?

Barack's answer was so forceful and direct, before he could even complete his answer, the guy was up by the stage offering to shake Obama's hand! The crowd was cheering throughout Barack's run-down of his resume and they were so loud at one point until Barack had to tell them...."Wait a minute...wait a minute...I'm not done....." LOL!

Anytime anyone says he's not experienced, show them this video! Amazing!!
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