Website Hell

Feb 24, 2008 19:38

So I think I just about hit the end of my rope on the website issue. The main problem is that initially when I had this brainchild of having a website I was heavily into fandom and had lots of friends who wanted to help. I started with having a site that a friend hosted for me. But adult material was a no-no. She turned a blind eye for longer than I probably would have, bless her. But I needed to move off her site, so I got my own.

And it's just been a constant battle every day since.

I went to Yahoo cause a friend recommended it and while it totally functions, it was a little more than I wanted to spend, especially considering I have sooo little traffic. After a lot of hemming and hawing I thought switching to go-daddy would be better cause a) I could have adult material b) it was cheaper and c) I thought it would be easy. Come to find out the web design/template program I thought I'd get with the plan wasn't available unless I paid X dollars more. Making it even more expensive than Yahoo.

To top this off, I wasn't sure how to switch the sites around so have kept the Yahoo and now I'm paying for both! Somehow I've gotten so turned around on this issue I'm paying more now than I was before! And I still don't have a new site on Go-Daddy. Without the template program, I've paid for the site, and done nothing with it! It's ridiculous and I'm so frustrated I want to say Fuck It! And throw all the sites away.

I mean, who the hell am I kidding?! I'm not like some super popular, super productive member of the fandom! Who the hell cares what I put on my website when I'd barely go to it myself?! It's so sad it makes me want to cry. Oh wait, I did that while I was trying to learn how to use Microsoft FrontPage from a tutorial made for fucking kids! It's not like I'm adverse to learning a new program. When I got on LJ, I downloaded the client Semagic. This program is so intuitive I picked it up with minimal help from the wizard in a matter of hours! Websites are so much more complicated and so seem to be the programs that interact with them.

After some looking around I've now found a free template off a site, but of course here comes the fun part....figuring out how to change it and upload it. *head desk*

Is this really what I want to spend my time doing? With everyone flocking to streaming videos anyway, what's the point? Why not just do that and chuck the damn thing? I'd like to have a safe place I can stick my stuff so YT or Imeem doesn't pull them and I turn into those people running around going, "OMG! I got bahleted!" Cause that's just not me. But on the other hand if I'm really only going to use the website twice a year, it seems like such a waste of money. There has got to be an in between! Something that gives me enough space for videos, doesn't cost me too much, and is easy to use. Maybe I'm asking for something that just doesn't exist. *sigh*

What do you guys think? Especially the vidders on my flist. I mean, there has got to be any easier way. What the hell is it?!
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