whys everybody in my buisness?

Mar 11, 2004 10:20

well first of all.people need to stay out of my fucking buisness.i mean people are telling jessica i had sex w/richie.which i didnt.even if i did.it shouldnt matter.for everybodys information I HAVE NOT FUCKED RICHIE there maybe i need to start telling everybody when i go to the bathroom to.since they wanna know if im having sex.i mean damn yall are worse then my fucking parents.my parents havent even asked if i fucked richie or not.b/its none of their buisness.geeze.so for now on just stay out of my buisness.if i didnt tell you nething.then dont ask nebody.and do not go asking amanda if i had sex w/nebody.b/im not telling people about my life nemore.so sorry your screwed.just stay out of my buisness.thank you
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