i hate everybody....

Mar 01, 2004 10:49

omfg.today was the worst day ever.omg.ok well as for some of you know i didnt go to schoo.b/of my knee.well today ezra broke one of my dads eagles n my moms candle holder thingy.which isnt bad for me but its still bad.n then the rest of the day was good till bout 7 or 8 pm.this faggot i dont know who he is,but he claims to know me.his screen name is lidsol or something like tht.well he was talking shit and started problemsbetween me and richie.so im very very screwed right now.m y life is just screwing me over right now.i fucking hate it.i wish i would die or something.so then i wont have nemore problems.and like if you think im going nutz.im not its just that i really really really love richie and i dont wanna lose him.but obviously everybody else thinx we shouldnt go out.if there starting problems betweeb us.and its going on 9 months.which is a long time.and i wantto keep it that way.my life is so fucking gy.i swear.i mean my friends are awesome my boyrfriend is great.but m life just isnt great or aweasome.why cant i just have one good day in my life.then ontop of that my mom is friking bugging me about getting my work done.i mean geeze u cant do much wth a hurt fucking knee.its just fucking gay.and then my parents dont fucking trust me.and if your thinking b/im a hoe fuck you.my parents are fucking gay.really really really gay.i cant do nething right for nebody.i cant wait for the day i die.and like im always making people mad at me.n annoyed by me.and ifyour one of those people n your reading this im sorry for annoing you or pissing you off.well im going to go b/theres nothign else to do so ill go talk to basiclly my only friend mandy....i dont love ne one righit now except mandy n richie.n yess i still love him.i will always love him no matter what goes on..
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