(no subject)

Aug 05, 2005 19:01

Okay well after reading Hannah's post, she got me into one of those really talkative-fast thinking-super stimulated kind of moods. So yea, I'm here writing in this thing. Okay so I leave in less than a week. [Oh God, I pray for you to give me courage and confidance and strength]. I was picking out my Rush outfits and bah it's so...bah. Give me anything and jeans and I can make it work, but don't ask me to put together four skirt outfits and tell me that only one can be a jean skirt. Oh well. I think I have it all figured out. Then I'm going to wear my old Chandelle dress for Round Four. Okay, no one cares. So can I just say one thing? I'm scared. But excited. But...scared. And I want so many people to be there with me, and life just doesn't work like that and it sucks but I'm dealing with it anyway. I try not to think about it, but seriously....how can you not?? I think I've just about spent my entire life's savings in buying stuff to go up there [but not really]. I got converse shoes today. Yes I know I'm not punk and yes I know they are "so last season" but do you see me caring? No. I like them. You know, ironically enough, I say that about all my clothes, I mean the whole "I don't care what people think, because I like them". I guess that's good in a sense that I'm okay with wearing whatever I want to wear and I'm not searching for approval, but then I guess my clothes are all a little bit strange. Whatever.

Okay...Ben: this week has been hard, and I'm sorry I break down crying and give you hugs all the time when you're with me. It's just because I know that in less than a week, we will be right back to the whole long distance thing, and I don't know when I'm going to see you again. And you being right beside me doing everyday stuff is going to be just a memory soon. And I hate that. But you've helped me realize that distance doesn't end things. And we're just a drive away from eachother. And if you are The One for me, then God will make it all work out, because He planned it from the beginning. I guess I just need to have a little hope and a little faith...and a little trust. I love you.


Wow....in 11 days I might be a [sorority girl]. How weird is that?
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