Dec 29, 2007 23:44
so, I figure I haven't freaked everyone out and done a crazy post in years, what with my new-found maturity and boring-ness and all that. I've lost the knee-high-toe-sock in me. It's sad, that's what it is! No more gleeful exclamations of snorkel! and crumpet! and other such cool words. No, rather, I have been caught up in the world of "I went to work today, and it was good. I ate spinach for dinner. It tasted like grass." To bring us back to the world of Harvey the slug, and ugboots, and late night double-nuts sessions, let us first start with my new discovery of a cool word: snuggle! I leave you to conjugate the possibilities. It's like snorkel + boggle, or snug + oggle, or something equally fascinating and dangerous.
I wonder where my new-found energy and tendency to write two-words together with a hyphen in the middle of them comes from. Perhaps it is the land of punctuation and grammar. Oh, it's a fascinating place of wonder and majesty - the fullstops refuse to go anywhere, the semi-colons smell kind of funny, and the brackets jump out from corners and try to catch you in the middle. Mwahahaha.
There really is no place in this classic post of madness to relate to you what's been happening in my life. It's too mundane... and there aren't enough chocolates. Maybe I should go find some. Later!