November madness

Nov 19, 2007 18:40

Work today started early and went on for a while. It tends to do that. But it wasn't bad, I managed to enjoy myself most of the time. I did NOT, however, feel the slightest bit happy about deserting my warm and comfortable bed at 5.45am, in order to get to work!

I'm in the sort of mood where I talk more than usual, and tend to tell people to 'deal with it' or 'bite me', or other such lovely things. I am not, for example, speaking with love to my reports, which hang over my head... taunting me. If only I could conquer them!!

I am longing for the end of the school term like nothing else! It means the end of stress, (haha I just re-read that idealistic statement... on reflection I shall say to myself - "you naive fool!") I'll be free to plan my wedding, work, and just relax as I see fit! I was thinking today - when was the last time I could just go to bed, and sleep in, and know that there was nothing I needed to do, all day? I can't remember. Every spare minute I get is spent thinking about things that need to be done, and quickly! for the wedding, like bridesmaid dresses.

Segue... Does anyone know ANY dress-makers, people who claim to know someone who once made a dress, have one of those amazing mothers that made their wedding dress etc etc??

Let's get back to the main point here, which is ... 'Where did all the anvils go?' Actually, that's not the point at all, really! The point is, where did all the free time go??? I want it back! I can't believe it just left me, stranded, standing there with all these things clamouring for my immediate attention. Rude! And the secondary point is - What did all the sleep go? Sleep used to be my friend! But now, it comes for a short while and then leaves me, beeping rudely in my ear so that I can't possibly continue our union. And then it leaves me as well. Sad! So those points combined and summarised are - sleep and free time have ditched me.

I think November is always a bit nuts. It's just that time of year where stuff does its thing, and that makes people busy. Okay, I've really lost my vocabulary now. Too many metaphors or whatever you call it in the previous paragraph - perhaps the 'personalisation of free time, and sleep'. Very literary of me. The point is, I'm going a bit nuts with all this busyness! So bite me! Goodbye.
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