Mar 31, 2004 15:32

So school was interesting. Brian made a bunch of gay pride flags (actually they were paper but hey) and gave em out. So durin lunch with Mrs.McNabb Chelsea was like "We should write I cant get married on em" So we did. Brian and Chelsea wrote "I cant Get Married" on theirs and me and greta wrote "Brian cant get married" So then we wend downstairs into the lunchroom to show off of "flags" heh and it was just fun yer know? So durin 6th period a buch of people who had gotten the flags were taken out of class and we had to see Mr.J he said "Ive gotten some complaints from 7th graders and how you made then feel uncomfortable today during lunch. I see that your making a political statement and thoes are not allowed in school" So I'm still kinda pissed off about it so If you want to support making political statements about anything in public schools , or if you support gays rights please copy n paste a code below <3

update gays can now get married in MA so Brian Can Get Married now heh thanks for all of the comments on this (wether good or bad) i love knowing everyones oppinion even if i dont agree with it. that is all

note we did the flag things before it was legal for gays to get married in MA

Code with Image" target="bcgm" title="brian cant get married>" BORDER="0" USEMAP="#luckycow">

Text Code


find out more here

BRIAN CANT GET MARRIED" target="xoxxxxx" title="find out more here">find out more here<

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