Title: "Here, Now, Eternity"
Author: Mistress Vamp (LJ: __fangsfiction , GJ: mistressvamp)
shannon730 &
softly_sweetly Thanks, loves!!!!
Character/Pairing/Group: Harry Potter: Neville Longbottom
Word Count: 100
Rating: T
Summary: Peaceful moments in solitude are rare, even for someone so innocent.
Disclaimer: (for any fan-fiction) All Harry Potter characters created and owned by the wonderful and brilliant JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Warner Bros, and all other associates of Ms. Rowling's. Marquim von LaQuorre is mine and mine alone. Any resemblance to any other known character is strictly coincidental.
Warning(s) : Implied Major Character Death, Original Character(s), OOCness, Alternate Universe, Book/Movie Spoilers
A/N: (if appropriate) Marquim is a vampire I have been creating inside of my head for quite some time, now. Be gentle with me as I develop his character. I pretty much ignore the six books and four movies, but will have a bit of information so yeah, there are warnings. All prompts will be 100 words. Italics do not count.
Community/Table/Prompt: 5; 03: City
He wants to grow up, but his innocence is his heart.
I watch as he moves through our room to the balcony, eyes feasting on the city below. Tonight will be his night. The lights are mesmerizing even for someone such as I. In quiet moments, I long to see the sunrise again but know it is futile. In my own mortal life, I still did not give in to such chances. The sun's breath would suffocate my life force, letting me know it was by the moonlight I was born. I know he wants this. I am reluctant to give up the one thing I love most about him: innocence.