Aug 26, 2008 17:50
Heart is pounding, gahhhh.
I just got to do a delivery to Ryan McGinley's studio. I met his ADORABLE studio manager Marc whom I would like to marry, got to go inside and see how fucking cool his offices are. His art is everywhere... good music was playing.. it was a dream. I decided to get some balls and ask if they ever need interns-- WHICH THEY DO. Marc gave me his e-mail address and told me to send him a resume so we can set up an interview. OMFG??!! I just don't know what to do because an internship at Ryan's studio would basically be a dream come true... but I already have shit lined up with Sprig.
Oh yeah and did I mention his studio's only a block away from my apt??? Uhh fuck yes?! GOD! I want to work there so bad.
Going go see a free screening of Rushmore tonight at McCarren. Yay for that.
Ok bye.