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Feb 10, 2008 21:13

I just had the most amazing time of my life. It was the first vacation I had in years. The first time I traveled by myself. The first time I went to California. The first time I was completely away from everything and in a paradise with my lovely boyfriend. I had the best time ever. He definitely spoiled me, and made me the happiest girl. He knew I needed a vacation and he showed me how fun life can be. I wish I could be with him every day. It was so nice waking up and having him "come over," and even nicer the nights he spent with me.

Friday, December 7, 2007
I woke up at 3am to catch my plane. I was not very nervous, surprisingly. After a few hours I had made it to Denver, but unfortunately I missed my second plane. I had to wait more than 4 hours for the next plane. That was horrible because I was already anxious enough, but I stuck it out. When I finally arrived in LA, I was so happy to see Koko. It is kind of surreal.. not seeing him for 9 months then all of a sudden he is right there. But it was great. :) First thing we did was go check into our hotel. It was nice.. the second the door opened we were able to let out all our built up tension if you know what I mean haha. That night he took me to City Walk which was really cool. To people who don't know what it is I can't really describe it. Lots of stores and restaurants, like an outdoor mall with lights and fun stuff all over. Very pretty. We just walked around and then went to this yummy italian restaurant. It was a great day to start my vacation.

Saturday, Dec 8
How fun it was to wake up in California, and without an alarm clock! He came over and we went to the mall, which was huge and fabulous of course. We ate at one of his favorite places, BJ's. We then walked around Hollywood & Highland. I like it there. This is where all the stars are. I had no idea there were so many and on both sides of the road for such a long stretch. We went into a few "rock" shops which were neat. For you Michiganders, the stores are like Paradise Express but lots of them. We went into Ripley''s museum, which was really cool. I liked walking around Hollywood because there were lots of people and it was very eventful. I didn't think I'd like all the people, but it was fun. We even saw a breakdancer. He was hilarious and had a crowd around him, like in the movies. Hehe. Oh and I think this was the night we saw that at the Chinese Theatre they were getting ready for the premiere of the movie Walk Hard. They had the red carpet out and paparazzi and everything. Weird. This night we went to see Juno at this huge theater called ArcLight. They had assigned seats and everything. I liked that movie, it was funny. Later that night he took me to a really nice restaurant- Jack in the Box. Haha. Just kidding it's just fast food, but it was my first time, so shh.

Sunday, Dec 9
He came over and we laid in bed for a long time. It was really nice and relaxing. We watched Mr. Brooks on his laptop. Then we finally left the hotel and we walked around and went to this hookah bar/restaurant. We ordered white grape flavor hookah. It was good but the smell was making me sick. I was being a meanie that night too. :( I just felt like I didn't fit in with all the "hollywood" people, but I got over it. Later on we went to the movies again to see Hitman. I liked it but I didn't really understand it, haha.

Monday, Dec 10
This day we had planned to go to Six Flags Magic Mountain. But when we got there it was closed. So we headed to somewhere else I really wanted to go: the aquarium! On the way we stopped at Islands, another one of his favorite restaurants. They have really good hamburgers and on wheat bread! The aquarium was a lot of fun. I love ocean animals and it was just beautiful seeing them all so close. I chickened out and wouldn't touch the rays, but oh well. Next time. I was a little sad because the octopus was hiding, and that is my favorite animal. But we waited a bit and he came out all sly-like and it was really neat. Afterwards we walked around, and saw that they were going to have a mini harbor cruise. So we went. :) It was so fun! I love being out on the water. We saw the Queen Mary and a lot of seals. It was cold out on the water and my hair kept blowing every which way, but it was romantic. At night we went to the Hustler store. We didn't buy anything in case you were wondering you freaks. We already have supplies! haha. Thennn we went to the Rock Walk in front of Guitar Center. It wasn't as big and sweet as I thought, but it was cool to see all the rockstar's hand prints. It even had one of John 5's guitars. Then we got some In n Out and ate it in bed and just hung out before he had to go home.

Tues, Dec 11
Today he took me to the Getty Museum. It was huge, and we had to get on a trolly thing to go up to it. We checked out a couple exhibits but then we had to head out. We had reservations at a nice restaurant. We got to Gladstone's, and it was such a beautiful view! We ate dinner sitting outside right next to the Pacific Ocean. (Ha, "which ocean is this?") It was very expensive, but very good (for seafood). I had a fun time. Afterwards they wrapped up our food and it looked like a penguin. Then we walked on the beach. It was cold for him, so we didn't have as much fun as I thought we would. But it was still cool.

Wed, Dec 12
This day he took me to yet another one of his favorite restaurants: Alondra Hot Wings. The "ranch blasted" fries were too tangy for my taste, and the hot wings smelled, but hey, that's his style haha. We didn't know what to do, so we headed back to Hollywood. We went into Guinness museum and also to the wax museum. The wax museum was cool. They had a 300 exhibit :) That night he drove me through a Christmas light show, which was neat. We then ordered pizza and watched lots of tv. This night he finally started spending the night with me! I missed sleeping next to him.

Thurs, Dec 13
We went to the zoo, but the animals were all hiding! I liked the giraffes the most. Oh and the gorillas, swinging around like kids on a playground. aww. The tigers were also very neat. I just love animals (and yes you can love animals and at the same time appreciate them while they're in captivity.) Unfortunately the tortuises were too shy to come out. But oh well. Later on we ate at this restaurant called comachos, I mean, Conrad's. (haha). We went BACK to Hollywood yet again, and saw the movie Awake at the Chinese Theatre. That was such a great movie, very surprising. Once again he spent the night with me and it was absolutely wonderful :)

Fri, Dec 14
We got kicked out of our hotel, so we went to City Walk. We were going to go to Universal Studios but at this point we were both poor. Next time though! Instead we just walked around CityWalk, went into a couple places, and sat down. It was hard sitting there and thinking: I'm leaving tomorrow. But I had to enjoy it while I could. We had nothing to do so we went to the movies once again. This time to see I Am Legend, which was very cool. At nighttime we headed to this comedy club, LA Connection. We had a bit before it started so we walked around looking for dinner. We settled on an Italian place called Maria's. It was so good. Then we got to the comedy club. It was a lot better than I expected. It was small and personal and it just felt right. It was fuckin hilarious watching these people do improv.

*I have a cramp in my leg!
*Falling down the stairs at Ripley's
*Being afraid of stairs/escalators from there on out
*Awesome, Thank You
*Remember that time I met Jim Morrison?
*I need to take a shower...
*Jamba Juice is effin awesome
*Illegal activities in hotel room (Don't swallow!)
*You made me BLEED!
*Driving down parking garages (This is our rollercoaster)
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