Aug 03, 2004 16:32
1. What go you by? Dan, and Big D. And Arroyo called me Papo, does that count?
2. Cuantos anos tienes? Fucking die spanish, i won't answer this question because of the manner of which it was asked in.
3. Location? Rich bastard neighborhood, but my dog bites them so its all good. Gulfport, Florida FTW.
4. Style? For the win.
5. Last time you were butt raped? I'll conform and go with the yesterday downtown story.
6. Last time it was voluntairy? You mean voluntary?
Opinions. (Yeah, everyone has them, but they're entertaining. So opinionate away.)
7. Politics in the U.S. right now? All of it is based off lies, you can't tell what facts are true and what isn't, theres really no point in speculating at this point.
8. Same-sex marriage/in general? Whatever the fuck ever makes you happy.
9. Exploding dog? I hate it, its the stupidest thing ive ever seen.
10. Monty Python? Ehhh, ive never emersed my self into teh Monty Python.
11. Country music/singers/songs? Nevar.
12. Mountain Dew? is the win for The Win for the win. FTW
13. Life the Universe, and Everything? You decide your own existance, no one can tell you whats right or wrong, in the end you decide on your own. There are no set rules that cant be broken its all up to you.
14. 42? Dogs in a suitcase, minus twelve.
15. Elvis? Honestly, i dont care, and you shouldn't either. So QQ more.
16. Religion? Believe what you want, just dont impress it on anyone else, and don't be so sure you're right, cause you're wrong, theres no possible chance you are 100% right.
Random. (Show us you have a personality.)
17. How many? 30, in a god damn suitcase, dogs that is.
18. Bob the stapler and Mindy the paperclip were in love... and i have chicken.
19. Ohhh, I wish I were... not waking up tomorrow morning at 6:00.
20. Hey, look, a... question of the number twenty variety.
21. Two drunk guys walk into a bar... and realize nothing creative is going to happen to them because im writing this at 2am.
22. Have you seen that Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode where... meatwad got a pet rabbit, and it ate him?
Favorites. (Explain, and at least 3 for each.)
23. Bands/Singers? Benway ftw.
24. Movies? Everything Quinn hasn't seen.
25. Positions? Any that involve mirrors to your side appearing to be up. ;)
26. Book? Its a toss up between Wuthering Heights and Tale of Two Cities...yeah...right...
27. Lyrics? None please.
28. Quote (not from a song)? "Scoreboard races demean us all, but always bet on green" - Rule book
This or that.
29. Foamy or the Spongemonkeys? Foamy. But it would help to know what the latter actually is.
30. Old school Nickelodeon or the new shows? Old school. Blues Clues > Dora the Explorer, nuff said.
31. Italy or France? Anything but Spain.
32. Books or Movies? Movies, books don't give much in return for how long you spend with them.
33. Cats or Dogs? Dogs. Cept mine, hes a pain in the ass.
34. Anal raping or being anal raped? You're trying to tie two granny knots with a loop, and it ain't happenin.
35. Techno or Pop? Techno. << Inspired by me, me thinks.
36. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.
37. Sporks or Spatulas? Spatulas, sporks are fotm.
38. Microwaves or Blenders? Microwaves, proving the non existance of god.
Given permission to post without pictures. Permission granted by The Win.