Dec 30, 2004 02:44
lets see here. the world as come to choosing sex over love. imagine that. louie, i did think once that you were a friend, a really good friend in fact. but yes, you have highly dissappointed everyone, everyone except your penis b/c that was obviously aPOINTed (sorry for the pun:-D). you needed some and the one you had who actually considered giving it all to you, you lost. you'd rather be higher than everyone else and sit an extra foot high because of all the fat. or was she on top? now that i think of it, you did seem to lose a little weight those last few weeks. good workout, huh?
and by the way, we DO, in fact, have a right to say and call anyone and anything, anything we want and will continue to do so. so..if you don't mind, my grammy-winning-performance..
if you didn't get that clue. and..well, she is really. even if she was only sleeping with "one" guy. b/c the true definition of a Slut: Noun.
1. A dirty, untidy woman.
2. A woman adulterer.
and the synonyms that came along?
adulteress, hussy, loose woman.
i believe all those fit her well, if i do say so myself. oh..and having sex with a minor, tsk tsk. she's even a law-breaker. now what are we gonna do?
and don't give me all the crap about how you don't care how we feel, or what we say and that all this talk makes you sick to your stomach. i literally wanted to throw up when catie told me who it was with. so don't say that crap. i'm happy you were happy for all of 5 seconds think you were a better man to openly tell her the truth. yes, that would be a good name, if you hadn't actually screwed the whore. maybe a little makeout session or 2, understandable, yes. but to constantly have the huge rock squashing your balls to nothing, that draws the line.
OH!! and to do it AGAIN, after the one who loves you forgives you. you belittled yourself. and yes, you should be dissappointed, in us, yes b/c we're taking immature steps to this situation and yourself for putting everyone in this situation in the first place. but yes, you ARE right, i'll give you that. this is life,we make mistakes, but we also learn that a mistake is something we do once, learn it was wrong, and not do it again. the second time its done, its something we call a habit, a need, an urge. you know the type of people who do those? ego-tistical, only-self-satisfying jerks who only care about themselves and their penises. oh joy, i can't wait til you're old and gray and you laugh and regret having to get your penis chopped off b/c all the little men inside ran away and wouldn't work b/c they saw where they were headed and didn't like what they saw.
i hope the rest of your life is satisfying and enjoyable b/c you won't get what you once had ever again.
PS-tiffany is not the one that started the name-calling. nor was it catie. it was me, and i will fess up to that b/c i am darn proud of it. this thing is a slut, and she was a mistake at conception. so leave tiffany out of it and don't call her a skank b/c screwing someone else's boyfriend, when you're friends with the girlfriend, and saving yourself for the right person and still not doing it then is completely different. no where close. so back off Mr./Mrs. _food_ and leave my lady alone! she's done nothing to you. so if you're gonna insult someone, do it to me since i started the fun of calling the Slut a slut in the first place. but then that will only in return turn into her sticking up for me also.
with all my love to all of you, even Sluts, goodnight
just thought i'd post it here too since people love it so much.
much love peeps.