May 24, 2004 09:38
Well, supposedly I'm grounded from the computer for the next two weeks or something. That's why I'm so glad I've got Word Processing! I can still update this and still keep some sort of contact with people. Yeah, the few people who actually read this anyway.
I seriously think that my parents want to get rid of me. We were sitting down at breakfast yesterday morning and they suggested that when we go to my grandmother's house I should stay for 6 weeks. 6 WEEKS! I love my grandma, but that's just a little bit too much 'quality time' if yanno what I mean. I know it sounds really mean, but I'm just not too big on the idea of being stuck in Wyoming with no one around for 6 weeks. Evidentally she's living out on a farm or something with some other guy. No thank you. I don't want to be picking the shit out of the grass every morning. I told my mom I didn't want to go, but of course that was a while before we got into the big fight about some stupid thing or another.
In other news, I'm supposed to go to the orthodontist again today. Once a month. Yep. I hate these friggin braces. And to top that off, we're starting semester testing tomorrow, so I'll be sore at the same time as I'm trying to concentrate. Just wonderful. Hmm .. wonder if I can actually convince myself to eat something tomorrow morning. Maybe..
On a slightly happier note, we get our yearbooks this afternoon in last hour. That should leave enough time - at least in that class - to get some e-mail addresses and numbers from people. Want to be able to keep in contact during the summer, yanno. That, and I'm not exactly social at school. I can talk to people a lot easier for the first time on the net because .. I don't know .. it's different for me. So yeah, maybe I'll be able to make some really good friends this summer if I get some e-mail addresses, hmm? That is, if I don't annoy 'em to death. Hopefully I won't. And maybe I can get some more people to read this thing, hmm?
I'm sooo excited that school's almost out! We've got less than a week, and most of it will be testing. That doesn't necessarily excite me, but the fact that it's only these last ones before the end of the year is really good to think about. It reminds me of running, and what my old soccer coach used to tell us when we'd run laps around the track. "Finish it!" Yep. I'm gonna try my best to finish the year as stong as I can .. and then I can get my well-deserved drink of water. Hehe. MINE!
And then it's onto the next part of practice. Oh yay..
Well, despite all of the bad stuff that I've put down in here that makes the weekend sound absolutely terrible, I have to say that it's been evened out by the couple of really fun times I've had this past weekend, too ... Like having a night without the annoying brother! Haha! Oh yeah, that's just awesome!
I'm seriously running out of time now. Best get off before I'm not able to hit the update button in time.
Until next time!
--- Ciao-ciao