I've of course been neglecting to post to my LJ, mainly because I work 40 hours a week rubbing strangers, but I felt like it was time to catch up on some things.
21st birthday!!!
It was EPIC! I called and texted friends all night in hopes of getting a large crew out for my first drink at midnight. It was a pretty awesome turn-out and at midnight (it was really more like 11:56 but the waitress said it was midnight and who am I to argue with bar-time?) I took a shot of bacardi rum and washed it down with a healthy dose of sprite... and a superman shot.... and a rum and coke, and a "good shit shot," and a long island, and a "prohibition punch." The miraculous thing: no barfing, no blacking out, I remember the entire night, and I didn't have a hangover the next day! It was like a gift from my body. Or my tolerance is just freakishly high.
So of course I voted in my first presidential election for my fave candidate, Obama. I got a cool little sticker, I got to feel proud of myself all day, and then at night I hung out with my friends as we all bit our nails waiting for the results. State after state was counted... more blue was cropping up... and then they announced that Barack Obama was now the president elect of the United States of America. I honestly couldn't believe it. I was so amazed and so happy and so hopeful all at once it was like a cloud lifted and I could finally see a horizon! My body couldn't process such things! The weather even complied by giving us 70 degrees and sunshine. It's as if the heavens approved! *Cue the heavenly chorus*.
So that's about it. If you haven't yet, check out my
soon-to-be vlog! Namaste!