Conversation between
maniacalmuse and me about
this post Me: I don't know what could possibly inspire someone to make Draco's middle name ANN
Thalia: I KNOW
Thalia: if Narcissa and Lucius were to choose a girl's name at all, they'd probably choose something fancier
Thalia: Draco Lucrezia Malfoy *snigger*
Me: *snerk*
Thalia: sorry. Am ebil.
Me: it's okay
Me: it makes things more interesting XD
Thalia: lol okay *glomps*
Me: *glomps back*
Thalia: *glomps VGF*
Me: *coddles VGF* *assures him his middle name won't be Ann any more*
Thalia: yesh yesh
Thalia: it will be Lucrezia
Me: Or we shall have to get out the dreaded Spork of Smitation
Me: lol... all right
Thalia: *pets DLM*
Me: We can call him Lulu for short :-D
Thalia: hee:-D
Me: hee... I think I've managed to find the only middle name for Draco that's worse than Ann :-D
Me: We can tell people it's Draco L. Malfoy
Me: Then they'll think it's Lucius and will be shocked when they find out :-D
Thalia: heeeeee yes
Thalia: coincidence...
Thalia: Lucrezia De Borgia
Thalia: infamous poisoner wench of notorious mafialike family
Thalia: stunningly beautiful
Thalia: deadly
Me: *dies* lol... yes yes... does that mean when Ravyn and Draco get married, he's the one that changes his last name? :-D
Thalia: well yes :-D
Me: *cacklesniggersnerk*
Thalia: *G*
Me: *loffs*
Thalia: *loffsback*
Thalia: hee. Yes. Draco's middle name must be Lucrezia
Me: Yes
Me: whether he likes it or not
Me: And I have a sneaking suspicion that it's 'not'
Thalia: it would be hilarious if that name was the name of, say, Narcissa's owl or something
Thalia: instead of some relative
Me: lol... he gets named after a bird?
Thalia: hee
Thalia: or a cat
Me: yes, that would be quite embarassing
Me: hee... so what's Lucius' middle name, then?
Thalia: Calphurnia
Thalia: Least Common Multiple
Me: *snerk*
Thalia: (No. Thalia is NOT teaching ANYONE math at ALL)
Me: I'm sure he'd appreciate that XP
Thalia: XD