(no subject)

Aug 29, 2009 20:31

"The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination;
It is essentially a part of it."

So I've been reading this book, a collection of short stories really, by Charles de Lint called "Dreams Underfoot". Each story could be read on their own but every one is written in such a way that they interweave like the most delicate of webs, connecting either the characters or the places to the next tale; so it does prove difficult to read only one and then put it down. It's "myth, music and magic" in the modern, urban world. While each story is different, the underlying ideal, message is there, unmistakeably present in each; that magic, dreams (as well as nightmares) and the land of Fae are still all around us, none of it has ever left; only that we stopped seeing it. Stopped believing in it. Changed our collective perceptions. It really does give you something to think about, or so I believe. There are quite a few things contained within this books pages that resonates with me...

"There are no happy endings," Cerin told her. "There are no real endings ever - happy or otherwise. We all have our own stories which are just a part of the one Story that binds both this world and Faerie. Sometimes we step into each others' stories - perhaps just for a few minutes, perhaps for years - then we step out of them again. But all the while, the Story just goes on."
"...we're just two threads of the Story. Sometimes we come together for awhile and sometimes we're apart. And no matter how much one or the other of us wants it to be different, both our stories are true."

...of course those are but only two of the most recent things I've read. At any rate it's a lovely book and I look forward to delving more into the stories to come. That's been the literary part of my life as of late.

The other aspects of my life are just as good and just as magical as well. I'm getting on day to day and trying to stay in those moments. Celebrating the joy and love in the moment and not worry or stress upon things outside that. The more this is practiced, I find, the easier it becomes. However, I am still, as always, subject to the human condition from time to time. I've discovered that so long as I don't try to "control" things or get upset over if or if not I get the response I want, life is smoother, more in harmony. Admittedly though, it's a tricky, fine line between that and passive-aggressiveness/line-of-sight thinking, so I do monitor myself very closely in the way that I honor what I'm feeling as I'm feeling it; as well as make those feelings known. What this all means is that SeVerina and I are doing really well these days, with lots of deep, meaning full days and moving conversations. We are ever growing together and as individuals. It's not amazing to me in the slightest how even after 5 years, and in the light of everything we've walked through this past year, that I am still very much in love with SeVerina (in lust with her too). A friend of ours, Michelle, gave us a nice compliment the other night, "...you two don't just love one another, you actually like each other." And you know, we so do.

A few weeks back I had another meeting at Seattle Central Community College to finalize everything and well...it's finalizes and I'm all set for classes. All I need to do is get my School ID and order my books before classes start in September. Look at me! I'm scholastic!

And I don't care if this is "In a wooded vale in the Campagna north of Rome" I want to visit this fantastical garden. Let's go!!

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