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Aug 05, 2009 19:35

Monday was an adventure.

SeVerina and I woke and readied ourselves leisurely, packing what we thought we might need; snacks, towels, swimsuits, water, etc and by early afternoon we were off to hike the Twin Falls Trail up to the waterfall. The day was so bright and beautiful that we put the top down on the car for the trip; it would have been an insult to the sun and the blue sky above not to do so.

Two freeways and under an hour later we were parked at the base of the trail and headed up, up, up. It snaked both along and at times away from the side of the river, making its way between lush trees and ferns. SeVerina told me how just the day before they kicked off their collective shoes and walked the path barefoot. "Ah." I said. "My feet are far too tender and pampered for something like that. They'd most likely find every rock to step on between here and the falls just to spite me." It is true of course, you'd be hard pressed to ever see my feet in anything less than socks; unless I'm sleeping or it's blistering hot. "Free the feet!" is a cry that is often heard around our home. The trail to the falls was beautiful but not nearly as breathtakingly so as the falls themselves, which after nimbly climbing over rocks, balance walking across a log and wading through the water we found ourselves on the shore of; a tiny beach off to the side of the water, not large at all, just big enough for a cozy group or couple. We spread out our blanket and got into our swimming suits and then just took it all in, the magnificent sight of it. Goading and coaxing one another as to who would be the first to take the plunge into the cold water as we stood there waist deep in it already. After a few minutes of deep breathes to ready ourselves Sev went and then me, out to the first rock we swam, the current pretty strong. After that it was easy. Laughing the whole time, we explored the water, the cave on the other side and the whirlpool. I think the best was swimming out to the fall and being pushed and carried downstream by it's mighty current. I am a leaf on a current.

We feasted on baked salmon, Brazilian collard greens and yellow curry cauliflower there in the mist of the falls, feeling its charge all around us. Energizing. Refreshing. Magical. Unspoiled.

Before the Sun completely left us, we decided to make our way back down the trail to another swimming area that we spied while on our way up. This was also a great spot for swimming. No real strong current and fairly deep enough in spots while remaining relatively the size of a large pool. We swam. Played about. Tried to teach SeV the doggy paddle. Ha, ha. We found a nice rock in which to stretch out on and do our meditations.

On the trip back down the trail to the car, SeV took the opportunity to share with me some Geomancy. I love when she shares with me glimpses into one of her many realms.

It was a beautiful day in which I never wanted to see a close of. A day of peace. A day of spiritual recharging and laughter. It was good to feel so free and to laugh as such.

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