(no subject)

Jul 18, 2009 19:50

Does anyone actually read livejournal anymore or has everyone basically migrated over to Facebook? It's a thing I wonder about and keeps me from posting here. It surely isn't due to a lack of time, no. No, I have plenty of that; though I do try to keep myself occupied. In all honesty, I'd like to post more, write more, but a lot of the days I just don't know what to write about. Especially now that I can't write about my daily adventure of the finding and acquiring of coffee. Oh, you didn't know that had stopped? Well, not stopped as much as it has been put on hold while Severina and I do this Elimination Diet. That's right, eight weeks of all things that are good for us. Trust me. I have used every conceivable (and inconceivable) argument in the attempts of convincing that coffee *is* good for you. At least one thing I have learned so far is that coffee is a *want* and not a *need*.

Oh, an odd occurrence. The other day while out walking to Broadway, I was stopped by someone in a car who inquired as to where the nearest Adult book store was. Why ask me? Do I have the look of someone who might know? Ok, so I knew. There was one on Broadway. But still...

My Biweekly counseling appointments have been going well. They must because I'm starting to feel like I want to stop. Heh. While I know sorting through ones past is a good and healthy thing, it really digs up a lot of feelings and picks at old, scabbed over wounds. I've done a lot of survival and self-work to be as relatively adjusted as I am. Well, it's good work and going well.

*le sigh* I wish I had an extra $100 laying around, as there were a handful of used Coil albums at Everyday Music. That's not something that happens very often. Who in their right mind would sell their Coil albums?

Now for a question, a little game. What's one album that you don't think is on my iPod but really should be?

Tonight Severina is up in Vancouver to support our friend who's DJing up there. I was denied my enhanced drivers license due to an improper Birth Certificate. Does it help that my father was Canadian? Heh. Probably not. So instead of being there, I'm opting to go spend a little time at The Mercury. Now with them having to enforce a dress code of "black", I'm tempted to wear all white. Bah. Dress codes are what kids? That's right...lame. Support the music. Support the scene. Don't support the uniform. *gives two fingers*

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