
Jan 28, 2004 22:56

Man. It's been entirely too long since I update this little fucker.

So I've got a job in the food industry. I'm a waiter at PieWorks here in town. It's a pizza parlor with full service, so you order your pizza and you have people wait on you. I've never, ever had a job other than the fucking technical shit I do all the time. Like, network administration, fixing old computers, writing software... shit like that. So what the fuck am I thinking?

I need the money. No one in Louisiana is hiring programmers/computer dorks... so I'm fucking stuck being paid sweatshop money and barely making enough tips to be considered as getting minimum wage for the day. -_-

I perhaps get like, one good day a week, and maybe get 5 to 10 bucks more than usual.

And now? In the past week, I've fucked up so much it's despicable. I've talked to a few people and they say I'm being too hard on myself, but I really don't think so. But besides me fucking up so much, I'm just not having as much fun as I first did. Maybe I'm just going through the work hell everyone goes through, but I'm sure if I looked hard enough, I could find SOMETHING fun out there. Like some kind of computer shit. Anything in that field would at least be something I'd be knowledgeable about and less fuck-up-able. ::sigh:: I think I'm going to give it a few more days, and then decide.

In other news, a friend of mine just informed me he has 2oz of KB (and that ain't Kilobyte, folks), so I might be having quite a bit of fun this weekend, muha! In fact, I might be having tons of fun. A friend of mine wants to smoke again, and her friend wants to smoke with us. And I just found out tonight that her other friend might be smoking. We just have to find out if she does it or not. haha. Three females and one guy all high. I love me some TetraHydroCannabinol.

So... yeah... that's something to look forward to. Damn. At least there's something, right? And damn... at least it's that, haha!

Anyways, I'm not going to give a fucking huge update on my life that no one will read. I'll just start the journal from here. Glad to be back. I need this vent. Heh.
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