Jun 06, 2005 21:28
OK. Good day. Not. Someone threw a donut at meL and since I am sure you are dying to know… here’s the story.
First off, PE is just annoying. Annoying little freshmen, etc. While all the sophomores I know are put in the “big kids” class, they decided-just for kicks-to place Megan in a class more than half full with freshmen.
So an annoying day at PE where the best I have to hang out with are the Mormons, while we do some watered down non-exercise... aka WASTE OF TIME!
Michelle went to lunch with the family? So, Megan got to ride the bus home. And by home I mean, to DV. It was about 10 minutes late, meaning that the Alex bus drives by right as we are pulling up. Great.
Well I think "Megan, you are in shape. How about just walking?" So I set off on my long trek instead of sitting and baking in the sun for a half hour.
Uhh like 10 minutes? Maybe into my little adventure, this car full of guys drives by
And they threw a donut at me L
It hit me in the back. Because they were behind me.
Well, I wave my favorite finger at them and keep on walking, determined to exterminate the male species--well, just more fuel for the fire I guess.
So keep on walking, thinking "do these guys really have nothing better to do than drive around, wasting daddy's money in gas, polluting the air, and tormenting those who actually care about the ozone?"
Well Anyhoo, walking some more. And guess who comes driving down the street?
Those nice little boys, of course.
And this time the driver was closest to me and he goes "sorry about my friend. You’re really hot... so I kinda feel bad."
And once again, they met my beautifully manicured finger, and I walked on.
At the street light, a person from California was stopped there (as I saw by the license plate as I walked up). And he roles down the window and says "isn’t it hot?"
Like I hadn’t noticed.
So I say "well, after the initial frying of my brain, you don’t really mind it much." I put on a stupid face and say "well, I can’t think too good, but it helps when you live in that box at the bottom of the hill without AC."
And, well I got home 2 hours after school got out.
And I had to pee that whole time.
“Much <3 you feminine Nazi”-Andrew Waterhouse.
I’m sorry… is it really that hard to understand why I hate men when experiences like this continually happen?
And mother, Dear Mother, says "well, at least it was a high quality donut (Krispy Kreme). They know you aren't cheap." Well, interesting angle.... but i didn't really ask to be frosted.
Maybe I'll get to updating about my adventures at my step-dad's friend's daughter's wedding. Yay.