
Feb 07, 2008 22:46

I need a job.
But working sucks.
It takes away from my 'lounging-around-doing-nothing' time.
But the income is nice.

I don't really feel ready for college, partially because I'm afraid it really won't make that much of a difference in my life, and partially because I'm afraid it will, but mostly just because it feels pretty unreal that sometime I've viewed largely as a turning point in my life is approaching quicker than I want it to.
I remember my tenth birthday ("Welcome to the land of double digits!") and how old I felt. It was this huge change, and I thought to myself that when I turned eleven I would feel stupid for thinking I was old. Which proved accurate.

And now, it's strange to think that in about 23 days, I'll be turning eighteen.
I don't feel any older or wiser. In fact, I just feel lazy.
Like the only thing holding me back from feeling that change is my own indifference towards it.

el oh el, B.B. King

In any case.

Lately I feel like I'm losing some people.
By trying to forge new friendships and fix old ones, I feel like I'm losing the ones who have really been there for me for the last two years.
I don't know whether it's because I've changed or they have, in some cases I can definitely point out the latter, but that can't be true in all circumstances, so I should shoulder some of the blame as well.

I feel like each day is dragging on, and yet time is slipping through my fingers. It's a strange, crappy paradox. I feel compelled to get off the computer and go do something to feel alive, use my time here properly.
Maybe it's because I don't actually ever do anything worthwhile or productive.

Anywho, enough bitching and pessimism.

I think I'm going to try and feel that change this year.
By recognizing my lethargy, I actually feel vaguely inspired to change it.

Not that I really know how.
But, waking up early does feel good.
Once I get over the grogginess.

I want to learn how to ride a bike.

Also, "Whitest Kids U' Know"? = Genius.
Just thought I'd throw that out there.
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