Mar 02, 2006 23:18
i'm looking forward to all the shows comin up.
i love sitting here at work listening to the format and knowing i'm gonna be dancing to them in a few months.
clap your hands and stomp your feet.
a few good friends.
count me out.
i need to get my arce in gear at work. i need to get the street team going i need to set up our littlerockscene profile more tomorrow.
i think i will.
what else?
appt. at 1. i forgot what time i told tim i'd meet him. i thought i told him today but i emailed and cancelled. yeah. i went to conway and did some last minute promotion for the show tomorrow night. i'm kinda really not excited at all. it's gonna be fun, really fun, but also REALLY lame. i don't want to see that sara girl. i dunno why shes been bothering me so much lately. i've been hatin on people. that means i need some time alone. and when i say alone i don't mean without my friends, i mean without all these strangers who keep calling themselves my friends. it just pisses me off even more and puts me in a bad mood when i'm around my good real true friends.
i've gotten like 100 new shirts this week. it's QUITE SILLY. i keep wearing the same ones anyway.
i need to take my jeans to get fixed tomrorow. most likely i won't. i'm gonna give a pair to lindsey to get fixed. that will rule. then i gotta go to the freaking mall and get them to alter the other ones. i don't even know what to do. i guess just take 'em in.
someone should tell my sister that just because you're not internet best friends doesn't mean you're not real best friends.
you don't need the internet to solidify your relationships. infact, it's a bad idea.
thats all really.
i love this stuff.