Jan 29, 2005 12:53
For the record.. today is JANUARY 29th.. doess that date mean anythingg to youu.. good! because it dont meannn shittt to mee:-)
tuesdayy-went to rock island, left at about 8:30.. talked to all these army ppl n shit.. blah.. then went to some lunch thing w/ my mom and some guy.. haha.. it was interestingg.. but it was boring cause they were talking about DD the whole time.. then idk what weee did.. but i came home.. and since it was tuesday which means American Idol.. and lastt tuesday was the first time i saw it n it was w/ himm. he came over again to make it a ritual.. haha
wednessdayy-i was so frickin sick.. nastyyy stuff..
Thursday- school, igloo w/ kev. picked up edin, went to chris's.. came backk..
Friday.. school, chris andy n edin came overrr..!:-D he left about midnight-30.. thenn blahhhh blah
went to sleep at like 4*30ishh
Today.. babysitting in lasalle for myy uncle