the cookie massacre

Feb 20, 2005 15:30

last night/this morning i decided 2 make cookies

i preheated the oven to 325 took the cookies out put them in and set it for 11 minutes cuz my mom said that he oven cooks fast cuz its so old and shitty.

so i go upstairs and the timer goes off 11 mintues later

i go down and check on the cookies theyre not done yet ant ll btu they all leik moved into each othe rlol so i set the timer for 4 more minutes

k so 4 minutes later they smell good but still rnt completely cooked so 3 more minutes. on the package it says bake for up 2 20 minutes that sleik what 1 more minute o0o lol well neways back to the story

so 4 minutes later theyre looking pretty good so i take them otu with an oven mitt and then take off the ven mit. i look at the cookies and im leik o i needa cut them apart

so i get a knife and grab the pan. right when the knife touches the cookie...i realized i was wereing an oven mit and that the pan was burnign hot lol. so i pull my hand off and just start crackign up form my stupidity.

so i let the cookies sit downsatirs for a little bit. then i go down 2 see if theyre perfect. no1 ever told me that u need to take cookies out aof a non greased pan or theyll literally glue 2 the bottom of the pan...well i didnt know lol so my cookis r stuck an dim leik scrapignt hem off the pan cuz i want my fucking cookies. well then i messe dup and the pan leik almost flie souta my hand and little buts and bits of cookies fly everywhere lol.

so i go to get a brooom and wheni come back i jjs see my dog eatign the cookies that got ont he floor lol it was the funniest pic cuz i maade the cookeis kinda hard cuz thats the way i liek them and theres zoey tryign 2 bite this things with all her might and is succeding lol ugh it was gr8.

i finally got my cookies or some of them off the pan :-) and i ate them and they tasted sooo good cuz i made them lol

ppl tell me 2 lay off the cooking for a while but fuck that ima make some more today post a comment if u want some :-b
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