That's right, be jealous. Why you ask?? Because Bradley and myself got the cutest puppy ever. That's right he is far cuter than any other [no matter what you think].
I mean, come on, how can you look at that face and not agree that he's the cutest??
That's Boone, the cutest puppy ever! :D He's just one big, chubby ball of fur!
But on a completely different note: I can't wait to graduate. The day I move out of this god-forsaken house will be one of the better days of my life. There are a few days that will top it, but those are for me [and my someone special] to know. I'm sure they will be written about after they happen, but for now they are our secret.
I'm lonely... he's at work and I'm stuck at home. I miss playing the piano. I wish I still knew how. That makes me sad. I've been too much of a girl all afternoon. How? Listening to a song that makes me cry. Why does it make me cry? Because it makes me think about Bradley leaving me to go to Navy boot camp. And that, no matter when, makes me terribly sad. I'm going to miss him so much. I must stop thinking about this before I get sad again. I've been working on my scrapbook again. Shh!! Don't tell Brad but I think I'm going to finish it and give it to him on an up-and-coming special day! :D Gah... the past ten months have flown by. I remember the very first day we started dating, the first time we held hands, the first kiss, and the first time we said the "L" word. Seems like it was all last week. It's been ten months and only two more to go! I think the word ecstatic fits here. Yes, ecstatic!
There was a house on fire on my way to school yesterday. It made me sad. Today it was still smoking. All that was left was the chimney and part of a room. It made me wonder about the people that lived there. It also made me wich I had my camera. It was pretty. I don't know why, but there was just something about that house, the part still standing, and all the smoke. It was.... beautiful.In it's very own way it really was beautiful.