Penny Wise but Pound Foolish

Mar 15, 2009 08:05

The current financial tsunami has caused the economic downturn to come fast and furious, hence a lot of companies are cutting cost drastically and even retrench employees like no tomorrow. I am sure you have already felt the heat of this tusnami wave...

The company that I current work for is a 2 foreign parties joint venture start up and things can sometime get very political there. As the company is still on a ramp up phase, this it is difficult to justify it's performmance, however cutting cost at this point of time to them is inevitable. Otherwise, when economy recovers, there'll be no chance for them to do so.

Now, let me tell you what they cut and what they didn't cut.

1st they try to save electricity during lunch time by shutting down all redunant power supplies like lightings and some computers. So what the result? No one borders! Who will be so free and check the lunch time(some may be still working) and switch off the lights?

Next, they try to cut pantry supplies. An email was sent out to inform employees that from now on, no more milo supplies. Creamer and sugar will not be in satches but in container. No more form cups provided. But the western coffee maker is still there. Guess why they don't remove the western coffee maker as well? Cos some high class people that drink high class kopi will make noise! Frankly speaking, how much can they save? Also, why can't they save and recycle papers? Every damn things must print out. They are indirect murder of our next generation. The management knows better but pretend to know nothing.

Also they emphasie on cutting travel and entertainment cost but yet they still fly people down from overseas and bring them out for expensive dinner. Worst is I have to clean the shits for this good for nothing, useless pieces of trash!

As the company is formed up of many expats, hence their overhead costs are on the pretty high side. Why don't the company cut this type of overhead cost? A foreign senior manager not only being paid more than 10 grands, transport allowance is 2k, monthly rental of 5.5k fully paid by company plus children education of 3k each montly is also paid by the company! Now, remember I mentioned above, this is a JV. So both parties will try to force the golden eggs from the goose as much as they can.

So I guess on the bright side is the company will not cut pay that easily due to the balance of the power of both sides. Anything that threaten their own interests, they will not do it for sure. Cos i think pay cut must be done across the board here in SG.

At the end of the day, the cost cutting measures of this company implies that the management is penny wise but pound foolish. Employees like me can only look forward to pay day and take as much MC as possible due to the fact that there's nothing more you can get from them no matter how hardworking you are!
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