Sep 05, 2004 02:22
Tonight B-Side Players were at the club.. They come like once every 2 months or so.. I still dig them..
But on nights like this.. It feels like work.. *sigh*
One an up note, they got their flute player back.. This chick played with them when they first started 10 years ago.. Back when they had to stand in at the back door of night clubs because no one in the band (except Karlos) was over 21.. That's around the time I wasn't 21 myself and I was getting snuck in through there.. heheh..
Anywho.. this chick jams for a flute player.. I know that sounds cheesy, like a rockin tuba player.. but for real she is amazingly good..
Last night was the shiiat.. Violent Femmes.. Always love seeing them.. They must like it here, because they are always playing big events here.. Super Bowl Party, Street Scene, The Race Track.. I love it..
They were so good.. They added a few guys in the horn section.. One of them was like 18 and he played the biggest saxophone I have ever seen in my life.. He had to sit on a high chair to play it.. Crazy shit!
So yeah, had a good time at theat... I took Bumble Bee with me.. We had some nice box seats to.. The GM at the club (Marker)gave them to us.. I told him earlier in the week that I wanted to go to the races and see The Femmes.. He told me he had some good seats comped to him by one of the executives at the track, so I couldn't turn that down.. :)
I didn't win any money.. Not very good at the betting on horses thing.. I choose names that interest me.. The last bet I made was on a horse called "Searching For Nirvana"..
And he didn't do too well..
So I guess there is a long way to go until nirvana is found.. eh?
After the last race they went on.. We were in 4 different spots.. Once for every angle.. We started in the front, moved to the side to but beer before they stopped selling it, then to the back stage to see a few friends, and then back to the other side for the last 2 songs.. It was a fine show.. And they ended on "Add It Up".. Sweeetah..
We proceeded to the club after the concert.. Since My work is only down the street from the race track.. Needless to say we got really wasted.. I called Tina and she was at Starbucks (blah).. I told to get her ass down there at once! Dammit! Me and Bumble Bee made her get tipsy with us.. It was great..
Multiple drinks later.. It was a party.. For once WE were the drunk obnoxious foul mouthed people at the bar..
Good times.. :D