(no subject)

Oct 20, 2009 15:10

just called me disconnect. in almost every way you look at it. but im content, no actually im really pleased with the way things are going. living out on a completely different island from just about the rest of the society as we know it isn't bad at all. josh and i have each other. and its easy to remember and really get that feeling that we are all each other really needs when you take a step back from reality for a moment. needless to say- this is the first time i honestly can say things feel right. life is happening the way it is for a reason and you can count me in. we find out what we're having nov 9th - and even though at the beginning everyone was so sure it was a little boy- i still feel a girl. but soon enough we'll see and i just know we're going to be make amazing parents. family has become the absolute most important thing to me. i dont feel as incomplete as i used to - i'm just worn in like a good pair of shoes. all of the missing pieces become who you are. i like that. its really not so bad.
when things come together you just know.
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