Mar 14, 2006 01:19
Seeing old friends really makes me think about the past and I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. I know everything really is, at is core, positive and is only going to help me learn and improve myself but nostalgia is really so warped. I have been thinking about last year a lot lately and missing it even though I know I have never been as miserable as I was then. So why do I miss it? There has to be a reason. After reading Rosie's lj entry for the first time tonight it just reitterated what I've been obsessing about for awhile now. Nobody can keep living in the past and be truly happy. Why not forget about what has happened and just do what makes you feel good now? I guess it's all relevant, though. I think what we should really do is use the past as means to improve today and the future. Thinking about the past hurts but it should only help you live the life you want now. Or at least give you insight to where you should be heading. I guess that's all. Just vomiting my mind here, take from it what you will.