yah so...

Dec 17, 2006 16:52

add me if you have msn:

Being MIA is apparently what I do best, which sucks as I'm totally out of the loop on what's going on with you guys. I am a bad friend but I still love y'all and have good reasons for not being around!

My recent obligation that's tore me away from my beloved LJ is that I'm tryna get my ass into some good universities. Oxford invited me to stay at New College the other week, I applied for Law (Jurisprudence) there and was happily surprised when they got back to me asking me to come for a few days of interviewing. I'm still waiting to hear from them about that, pretty much just awaiting my rejection letter but since then I've got offers from LSE (London School of Economics and Political Sciences) and Queen Mary College part of the University of London - both ridiculously good universities, LSE is actually in the top twenty in the world which is pretty fucking intimidating. So I'm just in geek mode at the moment making sure I keep my grades up, although I did go to party it up in the VIP lounge on Friday night for my girl Kate's 18th which was pretty tight with all the free champagne and whatnot. I was so tipsy on the stuff that I was even kinda flattered by the numerous old business men in the lounge that were hitting on me so much so that I danced with them. The memory of three middle-aged dudes trying to sandwich me will forever bring the lol.

As usual I need to scadaddle and finish off random pieces of course work but how is everybody? fill me in....
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