Isn't it funny when you realise that maybe you don't actually want what you thought you wanted. And maybe the only reason you wanted it was because people always told you it could be yours.
Thats how I feel about art at the moment. C'mon we all have or had a subject where we exel, a subject that lightens the load and sometimes even brightens the day because we know that during that lesson we can rest peacefully in our comfort zone away from the hassle of other academic or even social stress. My subject was and maybe still is Art. It was always something I was good at, scratch that always something I was best at. I was labelled the artist, the creative one of the bunch from an early age. I'll admit I never really had to try - that doesnt mean I didnt try but I had the safety of knowing I didn't have to. After a while of trying and receiving no further sensation or gratification than the usual pat on my back from my stubborn art teachers after producing yet another piece of their approval, I'm forced to ask myself is this what I really want?
Answers on a postcard please because I'm stumped.
ahhh shitty cam fone quality. loves it.
EDIT: Ironically I started my CAS placement today working at a primary school in the 'ghetto' part of town today teaching underpriveledged kids Art and I absolutely loved it but I think that could just be cause I have the craziest but coolest kids to work with. Not to mention my boys Mojo and Carl are there with me - and hanging with them is always good times.