Oct 18, 2009 23:05
I'm restarting this journal...yes..<<
Well let's see it's been years since I've updated so it feels a bit strange to all of a sudden post an entry haha ^^;
Let's see..I'll just start ranting about whatever so here goes D:
I went to the 2nd anime club meeting at my uni (basically it's just showing anime and you sit there) and they were playing Name that Tune =D I came late so I didn't get to join orz From what I remembered, they played songs like.."Realize" and "Brightdown" by Nami Tamaki, "Thank you" by Home made kazoku, "Alumina" by Nightmare..these are the ones that I recognized, now there were a LOT of ones I've never even heard of o_o; (haven't been watching much anime these days..too busy ><) And they had this huge table of a variety of merchandise that are prizes for the winners >< Omg do want~ D: Some of them were bought in Japan too o_o There's a raffle every meeting so I'm soo bringing money next time >=D *has her eye on a Hetalia keychain*
Played some Tales of the Abyss today~ (I feel like I'm the only person in the world who has NOT finished this game D:) I would write about details but I doubt anyone would even know what I'm talking about so..<< Well anyway, I was looking at the walkthrough and accidentally saw some spoilers which I shall rant in white so people won't get mad at me orz: LUKE DIES??? wait, I thought it was ASCH that dies o_O OMG WHYYY (I know so many people hate luke but...I kinda like him..;__;) he just had to stupidly sacrifice himself, oh wait, oh never mind he survives..BUT it says here *points to walkthrough* that he could DIE ANY MINUTE D: Noo......
Well that shall be it for today~ Boring entry I know == I have midterms so I probably won't update for another while...
tales of the abyss,