Sep 06, 2026 20:11
I don't think any of you want to hear this, but this is my little long overdue post.
Honesty isn't just a virtue, i think its a way of life. Its the way you understand things, look at things, and how you exist. I've decided to live an honest life, by that I mean, to see things for what they are, be honest with myself. I just thought "Hey, thats my theory, not a big deal" but now that I've put it into effect. People like to take things and see them as more than what they are, to underline certain words, that over all have no reason to be underlined. But so far, living honestly doesn't benefit one in any way. Seeing things down to the fine-point doesn't do anythign. Yeah you can feel so good that you knew all along, but this person just found out. But is that enough, maybe thats why i do the things that i do.
Yeah you might look through this and point out spelling errors, maybe some shitty sentences, or some bad grammer. If thats what you want to see, or if thats what you want to understand, then be my guest. If you could be so honest, and look at this for what it is, and understand it, then maybe you'll understand me, and why I'm such an idle person, and maybe have no ambition. Cause I have no faith in anything. Not because I'm some "goth" kid, or my daddy kicked me in the shines once or twice, because I am being honest, something in which faith could never do.
This in no way was a my "boo hoo" no one loves me shit
Or no one understands me. The whole site, and community is about expressing your day, your life, of whatever the hell you feel like telling people. So i am not looking for pity, so don't go "he just wants attention" cause i don't you fegs.
Anyways, i think cops is still on, so i am gonna go watch that. I am not going to school cause i'm sick, and way too cool. I miss nikki, U of M should be closer.