Apr 05, 2004 22:11
Or Hiza! As this Germanic kezboard would saz.
Well, we're happilz installed here in Berlin.
Our new home is 400 meters East of the (former) Berlin wall.
Having a shamefullz frolicking good time.
Was an bitch getting on-line at home though.
Finallz sorted it out - now on German modem number 3.
Did zou know that there's important differences beteen an RJ-11 and RJ12 internet cabel, and between a TEA F and a TEA N phone socket. We didn't.
So if zou're planning a trip to Europe and zou think zou'll need the internet, ask us for some hard-earned telecoms advice before zou leave the UK.
As said, Berlin is totallz FAB, and there's an insane amount on offer - the main problem being what to choose to do. Always missing something.
Probablz going to a nearbze goth club called 'Orlog-Dunker' later tonight.
There's two (!) free monthly (yay, finally found the 'Y'!) listings magazines just for goth clubs and events in the city.
More soon,
(Like a monsoon but drier, and with a promise of plenty),
S & Sy