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Jan 31, 2005 13:42

Ok. This bible class I'm in...Romans and Galatians....isn't it supposed to justify and make my faith in the bible stronger? Well...all its doing is turning me away and making me justify why I believe that living ones life by the bible is bull shit.
How can people sit in this class, and see all these contradictions, and hear the teacher say, "well, we don't really know who wrote this book, and these are just opnions, and we don't really know if Paul knows what hes talking about, and no one at the time believed what he was saying, this book is just advice...blah blah blah.." and fully believe that living our lives completley by this book is ok? How can they believe that its sacred when we can obviously see that there is quite a chance that its all bull, or some of it, or most of it. Whatever. I just don't understand how everyone can blindly believe its all "god-breathed." How do we know its godbreathed? who said it was? the writers? how do we know they weren't dillusional and making up words and making up this "god" who told them what to write. yeah yeah. god breathed? there is nothing that tells me that I shouldn't rule this out as bull. How can christians sit there and say Mormons are crazy! Budhists are crazy? Whos to say that Christians arent crazy! Why are they dillusional, and not Christians? It doesn't make sense. I don't want to be a part of religion..because everyone could have it wrong, everyone could have it right. I'm not going to waste my time. Someone once said to me...I'd rather live my life beliving in god and then finding out I'm right, than living my life not beliving in him and then finding out I'm wrong. Well...I think thats a pretty shitty reason to belive in god, all for the fear of hell?? I cant do that. I won't follow a religion for fear of dying and going to hell, just like I won't date just anyone for the sake of not being alone. I don't want to waste my time.
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