To start of this post I would like to say that I've have offically lasted a month here in the land of LJ. I'm surprised at this, but I'm mostly surprised at the fact that this past week has been the happiest that I've been. Maybe the fact that I'm getting out a bit more? Who knows really.
I want to believe that I've been "accepted" by most people now. Does that make any sense at all? Granted some still don't know who I am that's fine with me. In all seriousness, if you are not into musicals or classical music, nine times out of ten, you have not heard of me.
Anyway on to the real post.
Tonight after the show, I asked Amelia how many times do I have to be told that I'm short before people will understand that I know this already? Granted I was in the middle of changing from a costume, trying to talk to her through a solid door and concrete wall. I think she said something along the lines of "shut up and talk to me when I can understand you."
When I emerged from the room, she told me that "Not everyone notices my shoes. So if they happen to see me walking around in tennis shoes they'll comment on it." Hmm...How can you NOT notice the silver Go-Go boots on stage, or the heels on half of my shoes in general? Oh well. My 5'4" self is happy with my height, at least I can hide in places where others can't. HAHAHA
I talked to the darling Kate a couple of nights ago. She is simply too kind for words. Although I do have a feeling that I wouldn't want to be on her bad side for the fear of being on the receiving end of a Texan slaying of words. Needless to say if you have not added her, please do so.
mrs_speilberg Oh, and this is stemming from last night...For my dear Johnny, just so you know. I will now devote a moment to think about you, because I know you like it ;) Call me what you will, but yeah....just yeah. Ok moment's over.