. . .At n|ght løøk |n to the stars each øne øf them is a kiss før yøu!*

Apr 15, 2005 16:49

Hey everybody* well im really bored so i figured i would update this thing! I an finally startin' to get comments...yah! Anways i cant remember much of this week but ill tell y'all what i remember!

Wednesday - > Me,Landon,Mom, and Brandon my little cousin had to go to Bristol his mom had surgery then we went to Cheddars and i had to go get a new retainer. Then on the way back landon was mean to me in the car he just about killed me*..lol then i came home an went to bed*

Thursday - > went to school then came home with heather b/c mom had to work* me and heather walked to the high school one time then ricky brought us back home then we went back and walked into the baseball game and we watched chris and deven miller bat then we left b/c we were cold* then we came home adn i talked to landon and after that we went to bed*

Friday - > went to school* came home i was supposed to go to Landons but my papaw is sick and my mom wont trust me ugh!!  jade and heather will prolly come out tonight adn we will all go to softball together tomorrow*

But im gonna go so ttyl* Leave me sum comments*



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