You really let me down tonight..

Jun 27, 2003 23:05

Tonight was the first time i actually questioned you being my best friend.. i guess it lasted too long someone can only be so happy for a certain amount of time.. i miss waking up at 5:48 every morning and getting on the bus at 6:47 and getting to school at 7:00 and seeing my 2 best friends..i miss going places over the weekend only to come back to school and tell them every deatail about what happened .. i just miss them .. call me pathetic.. because it doesnt matter anymore.. i've lost 2 people that made me get up in the morning i've lost my other half.. go ahead say im being drastic because and i dont care what you think sick of being pushed around this is the way things are going to have to be from now on .. say hello to the new me..
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