Jan 16, 2005 11:11
please leave an anonymous comment answering these or you can put ur name if u please...
1. One secret.
2. One compliment.
3. One non-compliment.
4. One love note.
5. Lyrics to a song.
6. How old you are.
7. How long we've been friends.
8. And a hint to who you are.
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2. ur mucho sexc
3. ur a poopie head when u do bad things
4. i love u... ur better than ice cream!
5. i c u u c me theres a monkey in a tree n then a dog ate corn on the cob.. omg hey look its bob?
6. 14 n 11 months
7. since... 7th grade?
8. if u dont alreadi kno... then monkies!
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